REUSE San Francisco
REUSE is a project of the San Francisco Department of the Environment that encourages citizens to using reusables instead of disposables. I worked with SF based agency, Most Likely To, on Webflow development.
I built the REUSE website in Webflow using Client-First principles and WCAG guidelines.
One of the requirements was to include multiple languages to make it accessible for all San Franciscans. This was done by building out multiple pages instead of using a translation plugin or other solution. While it was a bit more cumbersome to build, the language was translated and vetted by humans which ultimately created a better experience for users.
See the live website at


Due to some delays and change of timeline, the designer on the project had a conflict and would be unavailable to begin on the new start date so I agreed to begin work on wireframes.
This allowed for the project to continue and avoid further delay.
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